Case Of the Week – 1

Case history – 45 year old person with multiple cervical lymph nodes.

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    Non hodgkin lymphoma s/o DLBCL

  2. Sneha

    Burkitt’s lymphoma

  3. Dr Hina Gami

    Burkitt lymphoma

  4. Indira

    Non hodgkins lymphoma

  5. Nazia

    Aspirated smears are highly cellular showing sheets of atypical cells which are medium to large size, with high N:C ratio, and scant cytoplasm. Few showing prominent nucleoli. Background shows mature lymphocytes admixed with RBCs
    IMPRESSION – FNAC – Highly cellular smears – suggestive of lymphoproliferative disease cytologically favouring Non Hodgkins lymhphoma

  6. Shaivy Malik

    Non Hogkins Lymphoma with Medium to large sizes cells. D/D : Anaplastic large cell lymphoma
    Diffuse large B cell lymphoma

    1. Shaivy Malik

      Sorry Medium to small to medium-sized lymphoid cells.
      D/d : Follicular lymphoma
      Mantle cell lymphoma
      Marginal zone lymphoma

  7. Maalus

    Hypercellular Smear studied shows polymorphous population of cells comprised of lymphocytes,histiocytes,plasma cells,eosinophils,arranged in diffuse solid sheetsin a hemorrhagic nodal background.There are centrocytes centroblast,follicular dendritic cells,.Also seen few large cells,binucleated with pr nucleoli

    Possibilities to be considered
    1. Hodgkins lymphoma
    2. Mets from undiff ca (sinonasal)

  8. Achyuth

    Features in favor of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
    Advice excision biopsy for further subtyping

  9. Nabeela

    Hypercellular smear
    Monotonous neoplastic cells
    Round to oval nuclei with basophilic cytoplasm, containing lipid vacuoles
    Impression: Burkitts lymphoma.

  10. Namratha

    Non hodgkin’s lymphoma- probably diffuse large B cell lymphoma

  11. Dr Saba

    Hyper cellular smears showing diffuse infiltration of large sized lymphoid cells with round to oval nuclei, coarse chromatin, several nucleoli and moderate amount of blue cytoplasm. Apoptotic bodies seen.
    Impression : NHL

  12. Dilufa Ahmed

    Cellular smears show atypical cells arranged in sheets. Cells are medium to large with round to oval nucleus, irregular nuclear contour, increased N:C ratio, and scant basophilic cytoplasm.Background shows blood elements and few mature looking lymphocytes.
    The above cytomorphological features are suggestive of a lymphoproliferative disorder(Non Hodgkins lymphoma)
    D/D Follicular lymphoma
    Adv:Clinicoradiological correlation &
    HPE for confirmation

  13. Anam

    Cellular smear shows a polymorphic population of cells arranged in sheets. The cells are small to large, comprising cells of lymphoid origin with few cells having cleaved nucleus and others having a round to oval nucleus with inconspicuous nucleoli. Mild to moderate nuclear pleomorphism is noted in the cells. There is lymphocytic infiltration in the background.
    The above cytomorphological features goes in favour of Non Hodgkin Lymphoma probably Follicular Lymphoma.

  14. Aayushi

    Aspirated smears are highly cellular showing sheets of atypical cells which are intermediate sized with round to oval nuclei ,high N:C ratio, coarse chromatin and moderate vacuolated cytoplasm intermixed with scanty small round lymphocytes and histiocytes and . Few showing prominent nucleoli. Also seen are few mitotic figures.
    Features are in favour of Non Hodgkin lymphoma- D/D 1. Burkitt lymphoma
    2. Mantle cell lymphoma
    IHC: Bcl6 and bcl 2for confirmation

    Approach; Low power showing small royal blue cytoplasm, with pale areas giving a starry sky appearance.

  15. gayatri vinnakota

    cytosmears studied shows rich cell yield consisting of atypical lymphocytes arranged in sheets,clusters which are 2-3 times increased in size compared to normal mature lymphocytes having increased nuclear cytoplasmic ratio,irregular clumping of chromatin admixed with macrophages and normal looking lymphocytes against necrotic debri in hemorrhagic background.
    NOTE: Advised lymph node biopsy for Histopathological confirmation

  16. Manisha Panda

    Cytosmears are cellular showing small to medium sized atypical lymphoid cells admixed with mature lymphocytes and histiocytes. The atypical cells have high N:C ratio, irregular nuclear membrane, scant cytoplasm and conspicuous nucleoli.
    Features are suggestive of lymphoma.
    Following possibilities can be considered:- 1. NHL
    2. Follicular lymphoma

    1. Priti

      Highly cellular smear shows heterogeneous population of medium to slightly enlarged atypical cells with irregular nuclei scant to moderate amount of cytoplasm irregular nuclear membrane granular chromatin prominent 1-2 nuclei and intranuclear inclusions admixed with few lymphocytes, plasma cells suggestive of Non hodgkins lymphoma DD marginal zone lymphoma
      Follicular lymphoma

  17. Shruti

    Cellular smear showing lymphoid cells arranged in sheets cells are medium to large sized with inconspicuous nucleoli and scant cytoplasm.
    Diagnosis: lymphoproliferative disorder non hodgkins lymphoma
    Suggest cell block with ihc : cd5, cd20, bcl2, cd10, bcl6 , mum1 and cyclind1

  18. Lavanya.R

    Cellular smears study show ,discretely arranged cells having scant cytoplasm with high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio with coarse chromatin with few of them having nuclear indentations,in a background of small mature lymphocytes .
    features suggestive of lymphoproliferative disorder probably Non Hodgkin lymphoma.

  19. Ajit

    S/o NHL probably DLBCL

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